Archive for the ‘Wyandot (wya)’ Category

Wyandot Classes Reawakening Language

11 April 2011

As reported in “Fighting to keep threatened Indigenous language alive” on APTN, the Huron-Wendat Nation is now holding Wyandot (wya) classes to reawaken their language.

The area occupied by the Wyandot Confederation once spanned from Quebec in Canada to Oklahoma in the US, and today the language Wyandot is located in each of those locations. In Quebec, there have been no native speakers for about a century, and while there were 24 speakers in Oklahoma as of 2000, Native Languages reports there are no native speakers of Wyandot today.

In Quebec, the Huron-Wendat Nation has launched the Yawenda Project (Facebook) to change that. According to a notice on the Huron-Wendat Nation’s site, Wyandot workshops began at Ts8taïe Elementary School on March 30. A community meeting is scheduled on Wednesday concerning the program.